Strategic planning
Development planning in all segments of social life is one of the priority functions and needs of local self-government.
The Law on Local Self-Government and the Statute of the City of Niš stipulate the competence of local self-government for the adoption of programs and implementation of projects of local economic development and care for the improvement of the general economic framework.
Planning of the city development is a comprehensive consideration of the possibilities and needs of the city, not only on an annual basis, but for a longer period of time, taking into account available resources, comparative advantages, geopolitical position, as well as interests that the city has in relation to the Republic. The starting point of this process is the needs of citizens, public enterprises, institutions, businesses, associations, non-governmental organizations, as the development driving force for certain areas of social life.

The optimal document of the Development Program emerges during the process of working with expert teams, the Economic Council and city municipalities on the one hand, considering the available financing possibilities, both from the budget and from other sources on the other hand. In this process, special efforts are made to make the planning documents ambitious enough to be developmental, realistic enough, but also achievable. OLED’s task is to maintain continuous communication of all interested parties in this process, in order to determine as realistically as possible the development goals and priorities for the coming period.

- Revision of the City of Nis Development Strategy for the period 2009-2020. (Official Gazette of the City of Niš, No. 20/2010) and the City of Niš Sustainable Development Action Plan 2015-2020. (Official Gazette of the City of Niš 110/2014) are planning documents adopted by the City of Nis Assembly. These documents represent the initial steps in the sustainable development planning.
- The development of the City Development Program has been entrusted to the Office for Local Economic Development, whose responsibilities are regulated by the Law on Investments (“Official Gazette of the RS” No. 89/2015), the Statute of the City of Niš (“Official Gazette of the City of Niš” no. 88/08 and No. 143/16) and the Decision on the Office for Local Economic Development and Projects (Official Gazette of the City of Niš, No. 39/2017).
The City Development Program is the basis for the program budget, the programs of public enterprises and institutions founded by the city, as well as the programs of other relevant development drivers identified by this document.
The program defines a large number of specific activities and actions as well as stakeholders that influence the development of the local community and concern the improvement of local infrastructure, social and cultural programs, human resources, improvement of public services. The planned activities contribute to the achievement of regional development in accordance with the principles of policy development, sustainable development and social inclusion, priorities defined by strategic documents at all levels.

Beneficiaries of these programs are all residents of the local community who benefit from the implementation of the activities, and in the narrow sense, the final beneficiaries are the City of Niš, city municipalities, public companies and institutions that take the initiative and further activities that are priorities of the local population and local community.
Creating an attractive development environment makes the city attractive for investing and attracting investment capital, especially in the real sector, all with the aim of increasing population standards and dynamic and sustainable development.
Adoption and implementation of the City of Niš Development Program are necessary in order for the city to create the identity of a desirable place for investment and investment with its own development plan, which respects European standards and at the same time maximally affirms and activates development potentials.
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