Celebration of the European Week of Local Democracy in Niš

The City of Niš joined the celebration of this year’s European Week of Local Democracy, titled “Local Democracy: Building Trust, Co-designing Local Democracy with Citizens and Practicing Open Government”, (October 12 – October 18).

European Week for Local Democracy (ENLD) is an annual European event coordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. Local authorities from all 47 member states of the Council of Europe and their associations are invited to register and organize public events to promote and encourage democratic participation at the local level.

This initiative aims to further spread the universal values ​​of the Council of Europe, such as democracy and human rights, as well as to offer participants the opportunity to join a European network engaged in promoting citizen participation at the local level.

зрада плана развоја једна је од активности у оквиру пројекта под називом „Будући градови југоисточне Европе“.  Пројекат спроводи Привредна комора Србије, Центар за циркуларну економију, уз подршку EIT Climate-KIC-а. Циљ пројекта је  убрзавање и олакшавање системских промена кроз иновације како би се постигао бољи квалитет живота грађана и дубока декарбонизација у областима људских активности које имају критичан ефекат на емисију гасова са ефектом стаклене баште.

In the European Week of Local Democracy in the city of Niš, a campaign will be launched to involve citizens in the process of drafting the 2021-2027 City of Niš Development Plan. The campaign aims to raise awareness for citizen participation and start the process. The campaign will begin with the presentation of the Consul Platform for Citizen Involvement to the general public and the launch of a promotional campaign on social networks and in the media. The Consular platform, used by 135 institutions in 35 countries, will enable online debates, proposals and voting on all issues of interest to citizens and the community.

In order for two key groups, namely young people and experts, to be interested in the process of drafting the City of Niš Development Plan, on Friday, October 16, a Placemaking workshop will be held for experts and local authority representatives on the topic – Niš on the river. The aim of the workshop is to start participatory planning of the arrangement of the Nisava bank stretching from Jagodina Mala to the bridge in front of the Fortress entrance. During the workshop, the entire plan of activities in the process of citizen involvement will be presented, as well as the Consul platform and campaigns on social networks.

The Development Plan is one of the activities within the project called “Future Cities of Southeast Europe”. The project is implemented by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Center for Circular Economy, with the support of EIT Climate-KIC. The objective of the project is to accelerate and facilitate systemic changes through innovation in order to achieve a better quality of life for citizens and deep decarbonization in the areas of human activities that have a critical effect on the greenhouse gas emissions.


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