By the decision of the City of Niš Assembly, adopted at the session on December 17, 2020 the Office for Local Economic Development and Projects was, from January 1, 2021, renamed to the Office for Local Economic Development, and its competencies and scope of work were increased due to the fact that the parts of Secretariat for Investments and the Secretariat for Economy have been incorporated into OLED. OLED remains a separate and independent entity in relation to the six newly established city administrations. In addition to its previous tasks related to attracting investments and improving the business environment, implementation of infrastructure and development projects and strategic planning, the OLED will also monitor the situation in the field of employment policy, improve and implement measures to encourage employment, collect and process statistical data, prepare and monitor the implementation of investments planned by programs for arranging construction land and building and construction, maintain the communal infrastructure of public land in urban and rural areas, as well as capital investment in the field of culture, education, sports and health care. The goal of this kind ofreorganization is to increase the efficiency and quality of services to be provided. Naturally, the OLED will pursue the course and keep on working professionally, responsibly and efficiently.


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