General affairs sector
The General Affairs Sector is the backbone of the Administration, responsible for financial and legal operations and ensuring compliance with legal and administrative regulations. The department provides support through two key divisions: the Financial Affairs Department and the Legal Affairs Department.
The Financial Affairs Department
The Financial Affairs Department encompasses activities related to financial planning and management, budgeting, and the preparation of financial reports, as well as the implementation of projects by securing financial support and controlling costs. It collaborates with local and national institutions, contributing to sustainable financial management and the development of community-benefiting projects.
The Legal Affairs Department
The Financial Affairs Department encompasses activities related to financial planning and management, budgeting, and the preparation of financial reports, as well as the implementation of projects by securing financial support and controlling costs. It collaborates with local and national institutions, contributing to sustainable financial management and the development of community-benefiting projects. The Legal Affairs Department handles the preparation and execution of public procurements, the drafting and monitoring of legal documents, as well as legal matters concerning labor law. The division also ensures compliance with the law, prepares materials for decision-making within municipal bodies, and provides support in accessing public information.
The General Affairs Sector represents the foundation of efficient operation for the Administration for Local Economic Development and Investments, enabling stable and transparent functioning through expert management of financial and legal matters.