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Development projects

The City of Niš, through the Office for Local Economic Development, launched a series of projects that are being implemented in 2019. These projects are implemented with the financial and / or technical support of the European Union and bilateral donors such as UNDP, UNOPS, GIZ and others, but also with the help of financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the French Development Agency (AFD) and others.


"Finance Initiative for Urban Space Regeneration Projects"

As part of the project “Finance Initiative for Urban Space Regeneration Projects” implemented by the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure with the financial support of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the French Development Agency (AFD), the City of Niš has started preparation of the necessary documentation for the pre-investment and investment phase of the project “Urban Regeneration of the City Railway Corridor Space“, of which the “Urban Mobility Study of the City of Niš” will be an integral part. This project creates the conditions for long-term planning and capital investment in bankable transport infrastructure projects and urban mobility interventions.


"Development of a Project for the Execution of Works on the Multifunctional Expo Center in Niš"

By the support of EU funds, through the European Union Support Program for Municipal Development – EU PRO, the project “Development of a Project for the Execution of Works on the Multifunctional Expo Center in Niš” is in the course of implementation. The total value of the project is € 70,600.00, of which EU PRO contributes with € 30,000.00 and the City of Niš with € 40,600.00. for the purpose of drafting the urban planning and project technical documentation up to the level of the Detailed design. Completion of the project technical documentation for the construction of the Niš Expo Center will contribute to the final functional content of the site and enable unified planning of the surrounding contents through the established center of business, commercial, cultural, sports and recreational activities and tourism.


"Efficient and Effective Property Management in the City of Niš and the Municipality of Ćuprija through the Introduction of the Geographic Information System"

The project titled „Efficient and Effective Property Management in the City of Niš and the Municipality of Ćuprija through the Introduction of the Geographic Information System“ aims through introduction and development of GIS and creation of GIS applications to create the conditions for the property management improvement and increase the transparency of the public administration work.

The project is EU funded within the national program for Serbia (IPA 2014), within the framework of the Program Exchange 5. Total value of the project is € 220.700,00.


"Improvement of Geographic Information System of the City of Nis"

In order to improve the capacity of the City of Niš to identify and integrate into development processes, to manage and use geospatial data, the project “Improvement of Geographic Information System”, the City of Niš will upgrade GIS by introducing new layers from priority areas, providing missing functionality (3D analysis and visualization, user management module, flood simulation tool, moving object tracking tool, developing support for online background layers …) and will create Android mobile application to access the Geographic Information System. The total value of the project is € 105,700.00. The project was supported with € 86,200.00 by the European Union (EU) through the EU PRO development program implemented by UNOPS.


"Open Data – Appear on the Map“

The project represents the technical support of the Office of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), jointly implemented by the Palgo Smart Association and the City of Niš with the support of UNDP and the IT Office of the Republic of Serbia. The objective of the project is to introduce the concept and mechanism of the process of opening data and opening data sets on the web site of the City of Niš and on the national Open Data Portal, thus creating conditions for the creation of completely new services by third parties.


"Development of Project Technical Documentation for the Multifunctional culture building in the City of Niš"

Using the methodology of selecting the best conceptual design as the result of implementation of urban-architectural competition, the project “Development of Project-Technical Documentation for the Multifunctional Culture Building in Niš” was implemented from the budget of the City of Niš in the amount of 6.090.000,00 RSD.


"Capacity building of the Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship of Youth"

In order to build the capacity of the Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship of Young LLC, Niš, to position itself as an institution that, at the regional level, provides assistance to start-up companies in the process of maturation and stands as a pillar of support for young companies enabling them to become successful and profitable. In 2019 and 2020, the Office for Local Economic Development and Projects is implementing the project “Capacity Building of the Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship for Youth” with the aim to continuously increase the number of startup companies / teams and supporting them in their work.


„Tomorrow” Project

In order to consider the main pillars of the Energy Union, exchange knowledge and experience between local governments in Europe and prepare a “2050 Road Map for the Energy Transition”, the City of Niš has joined a three-year „Tomorrow“ project. The project is funded by the European Union under the HORIZON 2020 Programme, implemented through a partnership led by the Energy Cities Association. The total value of the project is € 1,499,767.50, and the project is fully funded by European Union, while the project value for the City of Niš is € 79,198.75.


"Strengthening Public Services for the Development Based on Valorisation of Historical and Territorial Heritage"

In order to increase the share of revenues from tourism, services, catering – hospitality, based on the valorisation of the architectural and natural heritage of the City of Niš, the city is implementing a project “Strengthening Public Services for the Development Based on Valorisation of Historical and Territorial Heritage”. It is financially supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAEDI) with a total amount of RSD 3,292,960.00.


"INO-REG: Innovation Ecosystem as a Driver of Regional Competitiveness of the Nišava District"

The Regional Development Agency South and the City of Niš, with the co-financing of the Serbian Development Agency, will implement the INO-REG project in 2020. The project aims to define areas in which the Nišava District has a critical mass of knowledge, capacity and competences and in which there is an innovative potential for positioning in global markets. This objective will be achieved through the proper allocation of limited resources, higher level activation of territorial capital, support to the Science and Technology Park, thus achieving the accelerated economic development of the Nišava District and greater territorial cohesion of the Republic of Serbia.


„Future Cities of South East Europe“

The source of funding for this five-year initiative is the European Institute of Innovation and Technology through ClimateKic, which plans inclusive and prosperous transformation of selected parts of the city, in participating cities from South East Europe (Maribor, Sarajevo, Skopje, Križevci and Niš). The City of Niš has commenced preparatory work for a new development planning cycle through this project, with the intention of being ready to welcome 2021 with a long-term development plan, taking into account the provisions of the Law on Planning System. The City of Niš is in the process of drafting the 2021-2027 City of Niš Development Plan. It is a transparent process of drafting the most important strategic document of the City of Niš, which was approached on the basis of the decisions of the City Assembly adopted at the sessions on February 27, 2020. and October 2,2020.  All documents related to the 2021-2027 City of Niš Development Plan  can be downloaded at the following link-Documents


"Accountable Governance Project"

A four-year USAID project that, together with partners from Serbia, implements activities to improve the accountability of local and national authorities. The City of Niš is one of six partners in the project. The project supports efforts to improve citizen participation in local decision-making and supervision of their implementation, encouraging local governments to work in a more transparent and responsive manner. The duration of the project is from February 2018 to February 2022. The project will provide technical support and cooperation in one of a number of topics and areas that contribute to strengthening the principles of good governance, civic participation, good administration and responsible and transparent public authorities.


„Platform for Responsible Public Finance Management“

The project “Platform for Responsible Public Finance Management” is implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Serbia and is funded by the Government of Sweden (SIDA), while the City of Niš is one of 5 LSG participants in the project. The project will work to strengthen partnerships between local government units (LGUs) and civil society by building a more transparent approach to financing civil society organizations (CSOs) from the LSG budget, in line with local needs. As a selected unit of local self-government, the City of Niš will undertake to more transparently allocate funding for CSO projects, that is, to apply more transparent criteria and procedures in the allocation of public funds and provide a participatory approach in defining local priorities. The City of Niš will be involved in the project over the next two years. A total of $ 82,500 will be allocated for CSO projects.


"Support to Planning and Program Budgeting at the Local Level"

In the area of public administration reform in establishing an efficient, professionally and fiscally accountable administration that provides high quality service to citizens and the economy, the City of Niš, through the Office for Local Economic Development and Projects, implements the project “Support to planning and program budgeting at the local level”, which represents technical support of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia through the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM).


„Labor Disabled Workers Health“

In order to increase the availability of health and social care provision to the members of the Association of Labor Disabled Workers and improve their general health and social well-being, the City of Niš is implementing the project “Labor Disabled Workers Health”. The Project Leader is the Institute for Workers’ Health Protection “Niš”. The value of the project, financed from the budget of the City of Niš, is RSD 5,000,000.


"Glass packaging management in the Western Balkans"

The City of Niš along with PU Mediana participate in the develoPPP program funded by the German federal ministry of economic cooperation and development via the International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) with the purpose to improve the rate of collection and recycling of glass packaging, develop regulatory solutions and raise awareness on the importance of recycling. Within the activities, 300 recycle  bins will be installed in the City of Niš territory. The aim of the project is to achieve 20% increase of the collection rate and recycling of glass. This project involves 4 cities and municipalities in Serbia, 2 in Bosnia ana Herzegovina and 2 in North Macedonia. Value of the project for the City of Niš is € 150.000.Implementation period: February 2020 – October 2022.

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