Completed projects
The Office for Local Economic Development is currently responsible for the implementation of more than 100 different projects: development, investment and infrastructure. Each of these projects is approached in a professional and dedicated way because it is the only path that leads to successful implementation and achieving benefits for the wider community.

Improvement of the water supply system of the villages Knežice, Perutina, Ćurlina and Belotinac
Value: 4.910.259,84 RSD
Number of employees: /
Beginning of the project: 2017
Project for the construction of the section of the regional water supply system „Pusta reka“ – Phase I of the water supply to Belotinac, Ćurlina, Perutina and Knežica. The project is implemented in three phases.
The first phase related to the design and construction of part of the „Pusta reka“ main pipeline and was implemented in 2017.
The second phase concerned the reconstruction of the constructed part of the „Pusta Reka“ water supply system and preparation for its connection to the Niš Water Supply System – NIVOS, as well as the design and construction of a secondary water supply network and permanent solution to the water supply problems of the village of Belotinac, which was also solved in 2017. The value of the works performed was RSD 4,910,259.84, VAT included.
Design and rehabilitation of the amphitheatre in the fortress of niš
Value: 15.000.000,00 RSD
Number of employees: /
Beginning of the project: 30.05.2017.
Implementation leader: City of Niš, OLED
Funding source: Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications – 100%
City participation : RSD 0,00
Spent : RSD15.000.000,00
The priority activities of the Project were the replacement of the concrete base at the seating area of amphitheatre, which was in very poor condition, as well as the replacement of the chairs. In addition to the seating area this Project included rehabilitation and adaptation of one of the niches in amphitheatre and their transformation into a newly equipped, modern dressing room for actors and participants of various events.
Project works finished: December 31,2017
Presentation of villa with peristyle and construction of protective structure
Value: 24.558.408,00 RSD
Number of employees: /
Beginning of the project: 14.08.2018.
Implementation leader: City of Niš, OLED
Funding source: Мinistry of Trade
City participation : RSD 13.093.408,00
Spent : RSD 24.558.408,00
The structure rising above the Villa with peristyle, thermal baths and nymphaeum in the archaeological site of Mediana in Niš has the primary function of protecting archaeological remains of the architectural elements of these objects, and above all of the very valuable floor mosaics and wall painting from the harmful atmospheric effects. At the same time, it enables undistrurbed further exploration and restoration of all preserved archaeological elements, their full presentation and complete tourist exploitation at the highest levels required by the world tourism industry.
Project works finished: December 22,2018
Reconstruction of facades in the city of niš – lot 1
Value: 42.072.389,76 RSD
Number of employees: /
Beginning of the project: /
Implementation leader: City of Niš, OLED
Funding source: Government of the Republic of Serbia
City participation : RSD 0,00
Spent : RSD 42.072.389,76
The first part included works on the public building facades, which are under the protection of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. The executed works are at the level of investment maintenance and decorative lighting on the following buildings:
Niš National Theater, Sindjelićev Trg bb
National Museum in Niš, Nikole Pasića 59
National Library “Stevan Sremac” Niš, Borivoja Gojkovića 9
Niš Symphony Orchestra, Generala Milojka Lešjanina 16
Milorad Vasić Legacy in Niš, Obrenovićeva 38
The volume of the executed construction works at the level of current maintenance of the building as follows:
Renovation of facade surfaces, removal of deteriorated, broken parts and restoration
of facade surfaces with re-painting.
Repair of joinery, replacement of sheet metal (gutters and trims) where necessary.
Repair of roof structure and roof covering with replacement of worn-out elements.
Restoration and conservation works on building sections
The distinctive beauty of revitalized buildings, which are also under the protection of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, has been emphasized with this kind of lighting.
Works on the puppet theater niš - replacement of the floors and seats in the theater
Value: 5.000.000,00 RSD
Number of employees: /
Beginning of the project: /
Implementation leader: City of Niš, OLED
Funding source: Мinistry of Culture and Information
City participation: RSD 12.162.076,60
Funds allocated to the Puppet Theatre: RSD 5.462.100,00
Within the project “Virtuous Presentation of the Multilayered Cultural Identity of Modern Niš”, and as per a Call of the Ministry of Culture „Cities in Focus 2018“ , there is a subproject „Works on the Puppet Theatre Niš – Replacement of the Floors and Seats in the Theatre“ .
Within this subproject, the chairs in the theatre were replaced by new, more comfortable chairs, as well as the the flooring in the same area.
An easy kilometer
Value: RSD 5,000,000
Number of employees: /
Beginning of the project: /
City of Niš 2015-2020 Sustainable Development Action Plan foresees the implementation of the first level priority project ‘Improving accessibility of the City of Niš” , which starts solving the problems arising from the remaining architectural barriers in the city, reconstruction of the set barriers that are not by the standards and stopping unplanned construction.
The project aims to:
- Reconstruct the sloping sections of the pedestrian path at the point of stepping to the street, which do not meet the minimum requirements of the Rulebook on Technical Planning Standards, design and construction of buildings, which ensure the unobstructed movement and access of persons with disabilities, children and the elderly citizens.
- Removal of architectural barriers by erecting prefabricated ramps at the entrances to the Synagogue and the National Museum in Nikola Pašić str.
The project resuted in:
- Development of project documentation for all mapped sites. The estimated value of the development of project documentation is RSD 500,000.00 (VAT included).
Execution of works on removing architectural barriers and adapting existing infrastructure for safe and unobstructed pedestrian movement across pedestrian crossings and at intersections with road traffic and construction of prefabricated ramps. RSD 4.500.000,00 (VAT included).
Construction of a thermosolar plant for the preparation of hot sanitary water in the central kitchen "Mladost" of the preschool institution "Pčelica" in Niš
Value: RSD 8.873.870
Number of employees: /
Beginning of the project: /
Implemented by: City of Niš, Office for Local Economic Development
Funded by: Ministry of Mining and Energy co-funds the project up to the RSD 5.493.830,92 i.e. 67,76% of the estimated project value.
Contribution of the City of Niš to the project is RSD 2.613.437,48, i.e. 32,34% of the estimated project value.
In order to increase the energy efficiency of the Mladost Central Kitchen building of the Preschool institution „Pčelica“ in Niš, the construction works on a thermosolar plant for the preparation of hot sanitary water are being carried out.
The plant consists of 48 solar collectors installed on the roof of the building, three boilers with a capacity of 3,000 liters, suitable installation and accessories for safe and efficient operation.
Thermal solar plant operation management system is based on information on operating parameters collected by appropriate sensors (fluid temperature in solar anels, water temperature in boilers, user needs for hot water, time of day, etc.) and implemented controller program.
In this way, the control elements of the thermo-solar plant are automatically controlled and the maximum utilization of the available solar energy is achieved throughout the year.
The expected effect of the constructed thermosolar plant is to reduce the cost of energy consumed for water heating by 60%.
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