The process of drafting the City of Niš Development Plan is in progress. Get involved!

The City of Niš, within the project called “Future Cities of Southeast Europe” implemented by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Center for Circular Economy, supported by EIT Climate-KIC and the City of Niš through the Office for Local Economic Development and Projects, launched the activities of citizens participation in the process of drafting the 2021-2027City of Niš Development Plan. The first part of this process is defining the Vision of the City of Niš for the needs of the Plan.

This process is a comprehensive consideration of the needs and ideas of citizens on the the city they would like to live in, including the needs to solve current problems, as well as the introduction of new solutions that will improve life in the city in various aspects.

With the aim of gathering ideas and needs from as many people as possible, guided by the principle of “let’s not leave anyone out” the YES team leading this process made a short questionnaire (link to the online questionnaire). Please fill in this questionnaire and share it with as many people of all ages and / or groups of citizens as possible.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and good ideas.

Best regards,

“YES” team and the Office for Local Economic Development and Projects

Interested in cooperation?

Department for Local Economic Development and Investments - Your destination for investment.