Mass vaccination in the LEONI company

It is good that foreign and domestic companies responded quickly to our call and that they are reporting their workers for mass immunization, said Dragana Sotirovski, Mayor of the City of Niš, who visited the LEONI Company and got acquainted with the organization of vaccination of the workers.

We could see that LEONI, as a serious company, is well organized and that its workers get the vaccine they want, said the Mayor of the City of Niš and announced the continuation of the action of mass immunization of workers in other companies in the coming days.

I am happy as the Mayor that we are approaching the figure of 150,000 doses given in Niš, she pointed out and once again called on her fellow citizens to respond en masse to immunization in order to return to normal life and activities as soon as possible.

She thanked all the companies that responded to the call, because it is the right way to protect ourselves from infection.

The director of the LEONI Serbia Company, Pierluigi Ghione, said that the immunization of workers is underway in all plants of that company in Serbia.

He expressed his gratitude both to the state authorities and the City of Niš, as a LSG, because “nowhere where we do business do we have such a response from the government and local self-government as is the case in Niš.”

Director of the Health Center in Niš, Milorad Jerkan, Ph.D., said that so far the first vaccine has covered 32.5 percent of adult citizens, and that the first and second dose were administered to 22.5 percent of the population of Niš. He thanked the Mayor of Niš, who, as he said, managed to provide Niš with a sufficient number of vaccines that enable the continuity of immunization.

The Director of the Office for Local Economic Development, Dušan Radivojević, pointed out that the City of Niš takes care of its companies, and that they return it to the city through a high degree of social responsibility.


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