City of Niš Grants to Improve Competitiveness

The Mayor of Niš, Dragana Sotirovski, handed over 46 grant agreements to the representatives of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), as well as entrepreneurs, in order to encourage competitiveness and improve the City of Niš business environment in 2021.
She addressed the owners of private companies and entrepreneurs  and said that they can count on the help of the City of Niš in the next year as well.
According to her, this is the way the City of Niš provides help to those who are employed in companies and also to entrepreneurs who have exercised the right to help.
The contract award was attended by the Director of the Office for Local Economic Development, Dušan Radivojević.
OLED conducted a public call for the allocation of incentive funds within the implementation of the 2021 City of Niš Local Economic Development Program.
Priority in awarding the grants was given to the companies that operate on the principle of circular economy or apply models of energy efficiency and green economy, as well as companies owned by women and young people under  30.

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